
11220916_10206619466143766_7598308407283941332_n  After 54,000 years ,The earth will disappear in universe ,that day is what we call "End of World"?
In near future,that day isn't end of world?
There will be a nuclear war in middleeast before that day comes?
There will be few days eclipse before that day comes?
The only reason is a huge planet block up sunlight !
That day should be around beginning of October this year?
Most of people say the day is "Doomsday"? 最近那一天稱為末日審判
A huge planet entered our galaxy since year 1982?now its huge body is so close our earth?
A global natural disaster shall comes after last "Blood Moon"?

In recent years, the Giants bone have unearthed ?means highly developed technology giants once lived on earth destroy by GOD? only because they are greedy and lusty?
God is comming soon
Those destruction have occurred might be revived ?
Because once inside the giant bone startle the soul never repent because of destrution?
Reincarnation without stopping.?
Those giants were ourselves?
A greatest military master from great Ming Dynesty over 600 years ago,his name Liu-bo-wen,left a book "Figure of Universe"..
In this book he said:
The figure of universe end up in "A UNITARY"..
A unitary includes 129,600 years
A unitary also includes twelve earthly branches..
They are..(1)..Chi 子
( 3) .Yin寅
(4).Mao 卯
(6).Zi 巳
(8).wei 未
(9) .Zeng 申
(10).Yiou 酉
(11) .Su 戍
Each earthly branche is 10,800years ,totally 129,600years..
Each earthly branch includes 30 fortunes,each fortune is 360 years,each fortune is twelve generations,
Each generation is thirty years....
The heaven starts from the (1)"CHI"..
The earth starts from the (2) "CHO"
The mankind starts fro(3)"YIN"..
Recycling by twelve zodics.............these (rat,cow,tiger,rabbit,dragon.snake,horse,ram,monkey,rooster,dog,pig)... End up by (9)"ZENG" call "A UNITARY"!
From (1).chi.. till( 7).woo is
7X 10,800=75,600years,
The master Liu said :stop calculated on his age on that moment,which is 74,969years..
and at that year was past ten years of beginning of "Great Ming Dynesty"(year1378),..
Therefore if we calculating from :
(1).Chi仔會 till (7).woo午會75,600years ,
75,600years-74,969years=631years (till year 1378),
Totally rule by Great Ming dynesty was 276 years,(1368~1844),
Totally rule by "Qhin Dynesty" was 267 years(1644~1911)..
From beginning of Republic of China till nowaday is 103 years (from 1911~2014)..
Deducting ten years from Great Ming dynesty is 266years,
We adding 636 plus one year crossing "ming & Qhin dynesty",
plus one year crossing "Qhin & Republic of china"=638years
Our conclution is that :
(7)Woo午會..was end up on year of 2011 already?
If we adding seven years from what "Revelation of Holy Bible "told us..
The year of 2020 will be the formally beginning of (8) Wei.未會.
Now let's take look at what master Liu's describing on each "EARTHLY BRANCHES"humanity life style:
(A)..Humanity during (7)woo午會,
Their average height is 5~6 feet tall,average lived about 60~70 years ,
Fame and wealth as their life style,sophisticated technology as most developed age in human history ever and never..
(B)..When humanity during (8)wei.未會.....
Average height is about four feet,average lived 40 years ,everything has be destroyed ,no more technology can be replaceing again,humanity returns ancient life style..
(C). Humanity during (9)zen申會..
Day and night disorders,and season also disorders as well,grains grow less and less,fewer organism,average height is three feet,average lived 30 years..
(D). Humanity during (10)Yiou酉會..
They have no maner at all,no respect to leader and elder people,and no more writting anymore
( E).Humanity during (11).su戍會..
Rare human within thousands miles distance,grainless and people dress less clothing,when man meet women they have sexual intercourse directly ,after that they seperates and no more contacting,if baby was born ,after they grow up on motherhood in their memory ,..roads getting blocking till no more human and no more plants growing........
( F).Till (12)Hai亥會...
The sky darkness..everything on earth are disappearing..untill the earth disappear from universe...
This year 2015 seems a very important year that is going to change ?
Our modern civilization ,maybe destroying by a 6,500 times bigger than earth huge Nibiru planet..
The day of "polar Shifting "is what people named "Doomsday'?

天開於子 復卦也,地開於丑 臨卦也,人生於寅泰卦也,周十二宮(12生肖)而終於 坤,是為一元。盤古生於會,天皇在卯會,地皇在辰會,人皇在巳會。 元、會、運、世的概念就如同年、月、日、時一般,只不過它推算的是更大的從開天闢地到人類文明結束的整個變化。
子會至午會共七會×1萬800年=7萬5600年。子會到午會結束要7萬5600年-7萬4969年(明朝洪武10年)=631年。明朝共計276年(1368至1644),清朝共計267年(1644至1911),到民國103年為止共計(1911至2014),(到洪武10年,所以要扣10年) 明朝有266年。明朝266、清朝267、民國103,共計636年。
如果加上..........聖經啟示錄{"""羔羊揭開第七印的時候,天上寂靜約有二刻,8:2我看見那站在 神 面前的七位天使,有七枝號賜給他們 ,8:3 另有一 位天使拿著金香爐,來站在祭壇旁邊,有許多香賜給他,要和眾聖徒的祈禱一同獻在寶座前的金壇上 .8:4 那香的煙 ,和眾聖徒的祈禱,從天使的手中一同升到 神 面前,8:5 天使拿著香爐,盛滿了壇上的火,倒在地上 ,隨有雷轟,大聲 ,閃電,地震 ,8:6 拿著七枝號的七位天使 ,就 預備要吹"""""".....七印,七天使..就是自2012年起至2020年總共七年}...提到的七年災難分前三年半徵兆期與後三年半兌現期的話,我們結論就是"2015年六月~七月正式進入兌現日期也就是中東哈米吉多頓戰爭Amagerdon啟使未會......現在年底已經是午會尾聲了!!!!
2.未會生人四尺身材,壽元四十歲,百物俱消減去,並無技術再修造,返還古時代的生活……2020年未會正式開始!但是甚麼力量大到使"百物俱消滅去"?那就是年2015年十月起...連續四年多地球受到十號行星Planet X干擾而造成地球反轉後,地殼變動摧毀地表全部建設.....

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